State laws governing ethics and conflicts of interest are based on the premise that public employees are acting on behalf of the government for the benefit of the public. As public employees of an institute serving the educational and public purposes of teaching, research, and professional service, there is an obligation to conduct research and official duties on behalf of the Institute in such a manner consistent with statutes and regulations. The avoidance of conflict of interest is vital to ensuring integrity and objectivity in conducting and reporting research.
For more information regarding Georgia Tech’s conflict of interest policy, visit the conflict of interest website including the Institute’s conflict of interest regulations and policies.
To ensure objectivity in the operations of the research corporations, Trustees and Officers of the Georgia Tech Research Corporation and the Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation are required to disclose any financial, personal, or professional affiliation or interest that could create the appearance of or be deemed to be a conflict of interest or bias, not limited to financial or personal relationships with entities or persons in consideration of contracts or other affairs of the corporations.
The form for such disclosures is here.